Marie rouensa. For example Marie Rouensa, or Aramepinchieue, epito-mized the role that young women could play in creating this cultural space. Marie rouensa

 For example Marie Rouensa, or Aramepinchieue, epito-mized the role that young women could play in creating this cultural spaceMarie rouensa  Descendants and relatives lived mainly in Illinois and Louisiana

" (c. Francois Xavier Mamentouensa 'Chief Rouensa' was born in Kaskaskia, Illinois. He married Delphine Gaspard December 16, 1835. 17. She was the daughter of Rouensa, the chief of the…We've had several updates within our Acadian Amerindian Ancestry DNA project lately. Marie Rouensa was born in 1677. As she lies dying, she must settle her will and decide what to do about her son Michel Accault, who has rejected French society and Catholicism to return to the. ILLINOIS HISTORY TEACHERS! Our school offers a one-semester Illinois History course at the high school level, grades 9-12. Indian married first name Lacaille. Though 45 may seem young to us, life was often short in the Illinois country, and Marie has accepted her approaching death. MARIE ROUENSA,, DAU OF INDIAN CHIEF FRANCOIS XAVIER ROUENSA. 1725, the daughter of Rouensa, Chief of the Kaskaskias, has had the full mitochondrial sequence mtDNA test, where markers at the HVR1, HVR2 and coding. I've summarized the findings here, in the following links, and invite more to test! I want to share my profound. Place of Burial: Kaskaskia, Randolph County, IL, United States. Vidrine’s research, I searched onlineDaughter of Michel Etienne Philippe and Marie "Aramepinchone" Rouensa Wife of Alexandre Decelle Duclos Mother of Elizabeth D'Arensbourg; Antoine DeCelle Duclos, Sr. 1677 – 1725), also called Marie Rouensa, Marie Philippe, Marie Accault, Mary Aco, and Aramepinchone, was the daughter of a prominent Kaskaskia chief. Marie was baptized in 1694, in baptism place, Illinois. Marie Aranipinchicoue Rouensa 1677 - 1700. compromise. Marie Rouensa 1677 - 1725 (Chief's Daughter) Indian Woman Saulteaux (Nakawē Ojibwe) 1677 - 1700. According to tradition, Michel Aco/Accault was a former companion of Cavelier de la Salle and Henry de Tonty. Marie Rouensa is a Kaskaskia Indian woman who has become assimilated into French society and culture through her conversion to Catholicism and her two marriages, both to French men. 1693 - Mariage de Michel avec Marie Rouensa, fille d'un grand chef kaskaskia. 1703 in Kaskaskia, Il. All generations descendant of Alexandre and Elizabeth would be descendants of the American Indian Marie Rouensa. Ledell Mary Armand 12 (Lula Mary 11 Smith, Elda 10 Ducote, Cedonia 9, Marie 8 Chatelain, Joseph 7, Suzanne 6 Gauthier, Elisabeth Isabel (or Henette) 5 Enet, Elizabeth Roi or 4 Roy, Agnes 3 Philippe, Marie 2 Rouensa, Chief Rouensa of Kaskaskian Tribe 1). The year 1725, the sixteen day of August, we, Andre Perillau, notary in the Illinois, we have gone to the house of Sieur Michel Philippe, habitant in Kaskaskia and lieutenant in the militia, in order to make an inventory of the possessions of the succession of the late Marie Rouensa his spouse, and at the. Brother of Pierre Philippe; Jacques Michael Philippe; Elizabeth Michelle Philippe; Josephine-Marie Philippe; Ignace Philippe and 1 other. Death: 1700 (35-44) Kaskaskia, Randolph County, IL, United States. Chief Francois Xavier Mamentouensa Rouensa 1650 - 25 June 1725 Marie Rouensa "Aramepinchone" 1677 - 25 June 1725 Quacantequa Kaskaskia or Tamaroa Tribe 1660 - 1700The parish register actually starts with the baptism of Pierre Aco, the son Michel Aco and his wife Marie Rouensa, 7 on 20 March 1695. In turn, the daughters born to these unions (beginning with Marie Rouensa’s daughter) became desirable marriage partners for new generations of Frenchmen in the Illinois Country, especially since girls were entitled to a share equal to that of their brothers’ from their parents’ estate according to French customary law, and could. The year 1725, the sixteen day of August, we, Andre Perillau, notary in the Illinois, we have gone to the house of Sieur Michel Philippe, habitant in Kaskaskia and lieutenant in the militia, in order to make an inventory of the possessions of the succession of the late Marie Rouensa his spouse, and at the. Chief. Before 1695, she married Michel Aco/Accault. Marie married Michel Accault in 1703, at age 26 at marriage place. This marriage produced at least 2 sons: Pierre born in March 1695 and Michel II baptized in February 1702. Marie Rouensa-8canic8e, daughter of a Kaskaskia chief, was the model [End Page 191] for Frenchified Indian wives to follow, and White adduces her case to good effect. Marie Rouensa (1677 - 1700) How do we create a person’s profile? We collect and match historical records that Ancestry users have contributed to their family trees to create each person’s profile. In a dramatic act of defiance, she refused her father’s command that she marry Michel Accault, a wild and somewhat unruly. Marie Rouensa 1677 - 1725. This database contains family trees submitted to Ancestry by users who have indicated that their tree can be viewed by all Ancestry subscribers. 7. Info Share. 5 Jacques Gravier's Account of the Marriage of Marie Rouensa (1694) CHAPTER 3. forebearers (n. Marie and. She married Michel Accault in 1694. In 1694, he wrote an account of Marie Rouensa's marriage, which was one of the first recorded marriages between a French person and an Indigenous person in North America. Public Member Photos & Scanned Documents. This article accompanies the questions listed here about Marie Rouensa, Kaskaskia native who converts to Catholicism and marries a French trader / fur trapper. He married Eliza Mayeux. Studies. Alexandre was the son of Joseph Nichols/Nicholls/Nicholas Clause and Marie Cecile Webre. The rest of my descendency is on our page for Mamenthouensa. Marie was born around the year 1677, likely in the Grand Village of the Kaskaskia in present-day LaSalle County. Death 07 August 1700 - Hotel Dieu, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. 1725, co-authors Deadra Doucet Bourke and Marie Rundquist attracted the. Descendants of Chief Rouensa of Kaskaskian Tribe Rouensa 61. Nicholas M. H. At Home: 1700: Marie Rouensa - My second son. Rouensa. There isn't much left. p. Marie Rouensa is a Kaskaskia Indian woman who has become assimilated into French society and culture through her conversion to Catholicism and her two marriages, both to French men. Her father was the Kaskaskia Chief Mamenthouensa, also chief of the Illiniwek. Marie converted to Christianity shortly after the Jesuit Priests arrived in IL in the last 17th century and became an influential woman in. MARIE ROUENSA. Notables of Native American Background; less; edit; history; About the Rouensa surname. This marriage produced at least 2 sons: Pierre born in March 1695 and Michel II baptized in February 1702. Father of Marie Rouensa. If the Acadian Amerindian Ancestry DNA project were to have one, single, underlying characteristic to which we owe our most spectacular and unexpected DNA discoveries, it would have to be “serendipity. Info Share. 7. Socially, the idea spread from place to place around different areas. )--ancestors, people of your family or group who have lived and died before you--like great. We encourage you to research and examine these records to determine their accuracy. Info Share. Marie Rouensa is about 45 this year, 1725. 1. His daughter, Marie Aranipinchicoue Rouensa, was born in about 1677. Her refusal and the disturbances that fol-lowed would eventually be resolved through the mediation process inan imperial outpost in a land they mistook for a New The lives of Marie Rouensa, the daughter of a World but rather the multicultural facility of the sons Kaskaskia leader in Illinois, whose life exemplified the of parents and maybe even grandsons of grandparents practice of intermarriage; Marie Turpin, the daughter who had grown up in New France. On July 6, 1737, Agnes married Rene Roy. Rouensa's father had chosen a rather grizzled veteran of the fur trade for his young daughter. She had at least 2 daughters with Chief Metchehuta Accica. Marie's early life coincided with a period of considerable change and upheaval for the Kaskaskia people and the larger Illini Confederation. Immediate Family: Daughter of Illinoise Confederation Chief Xavier Francois Rouensa, Chief of Kaskaskian and Indian Sauteuse Chippewa Chippewa Nation Rouensa. Mary (Marie) Brose was born on August 24, 1834 in the village of Brest, France. Marie Aranipinchicoue Rouensa (1677 - 1700) Rouensa Genealogy Projects. She married Michel Etienne Phillippe in 1703. His daughter, Marie Aranipinchicoue Rouensa, was born in about 1677. Aramepinchieue converted to Catholicism and took the name Marie Rouensa. Public Member Trees. Marie was born around the year 1677, likely in the Grand Village of the Kaskaskia in present-day LaSalle County. Pictures. I could think of no more fitting passage in memory of my 8-g-grandmother than. Attention: This site does not support the current version of. Historical Person Search Search Search Results Results Chief Francois Xavier Rouensa (1650 - 1725) Try FREE for 14 days Try FREE for 14 days. ” The Merriam Webster Online DictionaryBy publishing the once-serendipitous finding of a Native American mitochondrial DNA haplogroup, C4c1, attained by Rusty Petitjean, and sharing his documented line, traced from mother-to-mother to Marie Ouacanteous Rouensa b. 9 Each used Catholi-cism to resist and reshape indigenous societal constraints. Aramepinchone, a Kaskaskia and daughter of Francois-Xavier Rouensa, Chief of the Illiniwek Confederation. Her. Aramepinchieue Rouensa (c. Landry Smith genealogy group members. 1677 and d. People similar to Chief Francois Xavier Rouensa. By publishing the once-serendipitous finding of a Native American mitochondrial DNA haplogroup, C4c1, attained by Rusty Petitjean, and sharing his documented line, traced from mother-to-mother to Marie Ouacanteous Rouensa b. Grab the bundle to get the article and questions together. She helped spread Catholicism and French-Indian cooperation in New France along the Mississippi River. Death: Immediate Family: Son of Michel Etienne Philippe and Marie "Aramepinchone" Rouensa. 1677 and d. Marie Rouensa, their daughter Agnes m. In 1689, a French Jesuit priest by the name of Jaques Gravier came to her village. She had previously married a Clemont I am not certain of children in that marriage, before he died. Do you know Marie Rouensa? No? Maybe she’s more familiar to you by her Native American name, Aramepinchone? You don’t recognize that name either? Marie is a woman well worth knowing. The subject of Marie Rouensa's fascinating history, and the C4c1 haplogroup finding first discovered for Rusty Petitjean, along with his matrilineal line of descent from Marie Rouensa, in November of 2020 by our Acadian Amerindian Ancestry DNA project, were topics of conversation among the St. Landry Smith genealogy group members. Grab the bundle to get the article and questions together. heathen ways (n. forebearers (n. Public Member Photos & Scanned Documents. In 1725, Chicago, a Michigamea Illinois chief, visited. This section is a placeholder for information about the Rouensa surname. The year 1725, the sixteen day of August, we, Andre Perillau, notary in the Illinois, we have gone to the house of Sieur Michel Philippe, habitant in Kaskaskia and lieutenant in the militia, in order to make an inventory of the possessions of the succession of the late Marie. Reference: "ChatGPT: Optimizing Language Models for Dialogue. Marie Rouensa is a Kaskaskia Indian woman who has become assimilated into French society and culture through her conversion to Catholicism and her two marriages, both to French men. Marie (C4c1) "Ouacanteous" Rouensa/Captain Michel Etienne dit Phillipe. She was born Aramepinchieue around 1677 to Rouensa, the Chief of the Kaskaskia. 88. The subject of Marie Rouensa's fascinating history, and the C4c1 haplogroup finding first discovered for Rusty Petitjean, along with his matrilineal line of descent from Marie Rouensa, in November of 2020 by our Acadian Amerindian Ancestry DNA project, were topics of conversation among the St. Francois Xavier Mamentouensa Chief Rouensa" and His Louisiana Descendants, Volume I" Moreau, Harry James Jean dit Braindamour Dufour and His American Descendants, Volume I. 9, 1746) were born at. Marie was quite well-to-do and when she wrote. They had one son: Isadore Sayer Lacaille. View all 7 photos and documents. Died 25 Jun 1725 in Kaskaskia, Randolph, Illinois, USA. She. PHILIPPE, Marie Rouensa Aco/Accault aka Aramepinchone Marie Rouensa, daughter of Mamenthouensa, Chief of the Illiniwek Confederation, was so influential was she in the spread of Catholicism down the Mississippi River that, when she died, she was buried under her pew in the church she helped to found nearly 300 years ago. This database contains family trees submitted to Ancestry by users who have indicated that their tree can be viewed by all Ancestry subscribers. Numa 8 Gauthier (Valery 7, Joseph 6, Elisabeth Isabel (or Henette) 5 Enet, Elizabeth Roi or 4 Roy, Agnes 3 Philippe, Marie 2 Rouensa, Chief Rouensa of Kaskaskian Tribe 1) was born Abt. Aramepinchieue. Defying social and cultural norms, Marie Rouensa, a prominent Kaskaskian, built bridges between worlds and helped to establish a. Michel Etienne dit Philippe and Marie Rouensa His page leads to the King's Daughters Her page to other Kaskaskia links. have included Marie Rouensa, a very interesting woman born in 1677, and Black Partridge who rescued residents during the Massacre at Fort Dearborn. Marie married Michel Philippe. She married Georgette-Laurent Chustz June 30, 1788 in Point Coupee Parish, son of Laurent Chustz. Marie married Michel Etienne Philippe (born dit Phillippe) in 1703, at age 26 in marriage place. Sister of Elizabeth Tisserand De Monchervaux. Profile manager: Maureen Deegan [send private. About Agnes Philippe. Marie Joseph (Dec. Name: Marie Rouensa. Marie Rouensa was one of many Indian women who found Catholicism appealing during a time of great change. Good morning I am trying to find the burial place for Marie Rouensa, dau of Chief Francois Xavier Rouensa of the Illini / Kaskaskia tribe. " "ChatGPT: Optimizing Language Models for Dialogue. , USA. They had two sons. When Michel Philippe was born about 1669, in District Judiciaire de Trois-Rivières, Quebec, Canada, his father, Philippe Étienne, was 40 and his mother, Marie Gravois, was 23. 1725, the daughter of Rouensa, Chief of the Kaskaskias, has had the full mitochondrial sequence mtDNA test, where markers at the HVR1, HVR2 and coding. 1677 in Kaskaskia, Illinois Territory (Source: Belting, Natalia Maree. Aco. Marie Rouensa was born c1677 to Chief Rouensa and an unknown mother. Marie Rouensa 1677 - 1725. View all 12 similar people. 1746)/about 1706 (burial 1746), décédé/dead 1746-11-19, inhumé/buried 1746-11-20 Fort de Chartres (Illinois), marié/married avant 1745/before 1745 Marie Anne BOULOGNE 2) Élisabeth ÉTIENNE dit PHILIPPE et MICHEL, née/born vers 1707/about 1707, décédée/dead 1747-01-02, inhumée/buried. Recently I’ve been speaking at libraries and other local organizations about the history of Sag Bridge, a town that once existed near Archer Avenue, where Route 83 makes a turn from a north-south road to an east-west road. Marie Rouensa married Chief Metchehuta Accica and had 1 child. Update January 26, 2021: Since the publication of this article, another documented, matrilineal (mother-line) descendant of Marie Ouacanteous Rouensa b. 3 Germantown Quaker Meeting, "Reasons Why We Are. The Randolph Society Foundation Board is pleased to announce that Marie Rouensa, the Godmother of Kaskaskia, will be inducted into the 2020 class of honorees. Joanne, I believe I am also descended from Marie Rouensa (through Michael Philipe). Alexandre and Elizabeth had five children: Joseph, Elizabeth, Antoine, Pierre and Marie Joseph. Marie has lived her adult life in French frontier settlements. Chief Rouensa. June 25, 1725, Kaskaskia, Illinois Territory. Many Louisianians with ties to Pointe Coupee and Avoyelles Parishes, can claim descendency from Rouensa, Chief of the Illiniwek Indian tribe in the late 17th/early 18th. Francois-Xavier ROUENSA (MAMENTHOUENSA) Kaskaskian Chief was born (date unknown). Marie Robineau / Rouensa. Lucien 7 Gauthier (Joseph 6, Elisabeth Isabel (or Henette) 5 Enet, Elizabeth Roi or 4 Roy, Agnes 3 Philippe, Marie 2 Rouensa, Chief Rouensa of Kaskaskian Tribe 1) was born May 06, 1814. 1677 – 1725) (also Aramepinchieue Rouensa, Marie Rouensa, Marie Philippe, Marie Accault, Mary Aco, Aramepinchone) was the daughter of a Kaskaskia chief who helped spread Catholicism and French-Indian cooperation in New France along the Mississippi River. 6. Louis (today Starved Rock). MARIE ROUENSA. 2. The subject of Marie Rouensa's fascinating history, and the C4c1 haplogroup finding first discovered for Rusty Petitjean, along with his matrilineal line of descent from Marie Rouensa, in November of 2020 by our Acadian Amerindian Ancestry DNA project, were topics of conversation among the St. As she lies dying, she must settle her will and decide what to do about her son Michel Accault, who has rejected French society and Catholicism to return to the. Historical Person Search Search Search Results Results Marie Rouensa (1677 - 1725) Try FREE for 14 days Try FREE for 14 days. Managed by: Doris Jane Armand: Last Updated: December 4, 2014Marie Rouensa is a Kaskaskia Indian woman who has become assimilated into French society and culture through her conversion to Catholicism and her two marriages, both to French men. As she lies dying, she must settle her will and decide what to do about her son Michel Accault, who has rejected French society and Catholicism to return to the. Marie Anne Boulogne 2. How do we create a person’s profile? We collect and match historical records that Ancestry users have contributed to their family trees to create each person’s profile. Marie Rouensa-8cate8a and the Foundations of French Illinois Download; XML; Plucking the Apple without Rooting up the Tree: Environmental Concern in the Production of Prairie State Petroleum Download; XML; The Actor from Jacksonville Views the Outlaw from Missouri: Sol Smith Russell Reports on the Surrender of Frank James Download; XMLPere Marest traveled with them to the winter camp of Kaskaskia Chief Rouensa. ; and Agnes Philippe « less. Marie. Louis, and have been to the original sites. 40 For a more extensive discussion on Marie Rouensa, see Ekberg and Pregaldin, “Marie Rouensa-8cate8a and the Foundations of French Illinois”; Sleeper-Smith, Indian Women and French Men; and “Women, Kin, and Catholicism: New Perspectives on the Fur Trade,” Ethnohistory 47, no. Pere Marest tried to get the Kaskaskia to settle near the tannery, but they refused.