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The music of the "Galop Infernal" from the final scene. India (Hindi: Bhārat), officially the Republic of India (Hindi: Bhārat Gaṇarājya) and also known as Hindustān or Bhārat within the country, is a country in South Asia. 5,517,556 likes · 1,582 talking about this. 更多有聲條目. "Wikipedia", a single by Swedish rapper Jireel. Уикипедия е свободна енциклопедия, която всеки може да редактира, развива и обогатява. The German Wikipedia ( German: Deutschsprachige Wikipedia) is the German language edition of Wikipedia. Wikidata also provides support to many other sites and services beyond just. This provides a safe environment to explore any topic freely. Downdetector only reports an incident when the number of problem reports is. Founded in 2001 by Jimmy Wales, as of 2020, there are more than six million articles in English, as well as articles in every language on earth. e. 10 000+ pages Deutsch; English; Français; Italiano; Magyar; 日本語; PortuguêsTo initialize it, you have to provide: user_agent to identify your project. The Wikimedia Commons (cried "Commons" or "Wikicommons" an aa) is a store o free content eimages, soond an ither multimedia files. Русский 4 000+ образовательных материалов. En wiki ( engelska: [ˈwɪki] ( lyssna) ), från hawaiiska wiki, "snabb", [ 1] är en webbplats där sidorna enkelt och snabbt kan redigeras av besökarna själva via ett webbgränssnitt. Wikipedia is een online encyclopedie die ernaar streeft informatie te bieden in alle erkende talen ter wereld, die vrij herbruikbaar, objectief en verifieerbaar is. Die Inhalte der Wikipedia werden von Freiwilligen, auch Autorinnen und Autoren genannt, erstellt und gepflegt, die dafür von der betreibenden Organisation keine finanzielle. Click edit on any accessible page; Surround the page title you want to create in doubled brackets, e. A view over Stone Town from the sea In 1896, Zanzibar was the location of the world's shortest war, surrendering to Britain after 38 minutes of. 一方面,这些内容可以让初学者对 OI 的一些思想有初步的认识;另一方面,本章介绍的大部分算法还会在以后的进阶内容中得到运用。. For more information, see Beta cluster Meta-Wiki and wikitech:Beta Cluster. The user credentials are typically some form of username and a matching password, [1] and these credentials themselves are sometimes referred to. Wikimedia is a global movement whose mission is to bring free educational content to the world. It is the only country in the Americas to have Portuguese as an official language. Wikipedia (pronuncia: vedi sotto) è un'enciclopedia online a contenuto libero, collaborativa, plurilingue e gratuita, nata nel 2001, sostenuta e ospitata dalla Wikimedia Foundation, un'organizzazione non a scopo di lucro statunitense. Related discussions also take place on. [from 15th c. [2]Wikipedia began as a complementary project for Nupedia, a free online English-language encyclopedia project whose articles were written by experts and reviewed under a formal process. 2006, “White & Nerdy”, in Straight Outta Lynwood, performed by “Weird Al” Yankovic: Shopping online for deals on some writable media / I edit Wikipedia 2008 April 27, Jeff Westbrook, “Apocalypse Cow”, in. To do this, we keep Wikipedia and Wikimedia sites fast, reliable, and available to all. Bouygues (stock symbol EN); Island Rail Corridor, formerly known as the Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway (reporting mark EN); Euronews, a news television and internet channel; Language and writing. Note that total numbers of active users does not really refer to the total distinct active users, but the total number of active registered accounts on all wikis for. v. It is common for some problems to be reported throughout the day. These databases can be used for mirroring, personal use, informal backups, offline use or database queries (such as for Wikipedia:Maintenance). Romania (/ r oʊ ˈ m eɪ n i ə / roh-MAY-nee-ə; Romanian: România [r o m ɨ ˈ n i. share. With the official Wikipedia app, you can search and explore 40+ million articles in 300+ languages, no matter where you are. Ad-free and free of charge, forever. Das Ziel der Wikipedia ist der Aufbau einer Enzyklopädie durch freiwillige und ehrenamtliche Autorinnen und Autoren. With the announcement of the Wikimedia Foundation on. LGBTQIA+ means Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual/Aromantic/Agender, plus many more included in these terms. Wikipedia is the world’s free, collaborative encyclopedia—the largest collection of open knowledge in history. Shortcuts. The Town of Brookfield is located in the southeastern part of the county. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Edinburgh is Scotland's second-most populous city, after Glasgow, and the seventh-most populous city in the United Kingdom . That’s why we created the Merchandise Giveaway Program, amongst other projects. [4] He finished the year with 40 carries for 191 yards and a touchdown. Wikipedia definition: the name of a large website that provides free information in many languages on many subjects, and…. The city stretches across fourteen islands where Lake Mälaren flows into the Baltic Sea. 2 was published as a W3C Recommendation. Wikipedia is a Web-based, free-content encyclopedia written collaboratively by volunteers and sponsored by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation. But, you can force it to show you other pages that include your search string by including a tilde character ~ anywhere in the query. To get an understanding of the topics, he quickly went online and wikied each one. Sus más de 61 millones de artículos en 333 idiomas han sido redactados en conjunto por voluntarios de todo el mundo, 5 lo que. at least 55,000,000. org?Zanzibar is a semi-autonomous archipelago off the coast of Tanzania consisting of Zanzibar Island, Pemba Island and many smaller islands. هدف ویکی‌پدیا آفرینش و انتشار. It is similar to Wikipedia’s Simple Edition but with filtered safe results. Old El Paso products are marketed across the globe. 위키백과 는 위키 를 이용하여 전 세계 사람들이 함께 만들어가는 웹 기반 의 다언어 백과사전 입니다. Through it, any Wikipedia user can nominate a Wikipedia contributor to receive a free gift in the mail. Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia, created and edited by volunteers around the world and hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation. The brand is owned by General Mills. Marlboroughs militära karriär, baserad på strategiskt snille och administrativ skicklighet, är en av de mest framstående i Storbritanniens historia. The best Wikipedia experience on your Mobile device. It is the 13th largest edition by article count. Only Alex Elder and. Dispute resolution. "Wikipedia", a single by American singer Jean Deaux. See also[ edit] Wikipedia:Free encyclopedia. A common definition of free content and free software is that it is " free as in free speech, not free beer ". Proposals for new projects – A Proposal used for new wikimedia projects. 目前是全球網絡上. 5. Jika Anda tidak dapat menyunting Artikel ini dan Anda ingin melakukannya, Anda dapat memohon , diskusikan perubahan yang ingin dilakukan di halaman pembicaraan, memohon untuk. On each index page, italics indicate redirects. Wikipedia is an open-source, openly edited online encyclopedia created in 2001. He was best known for improving civil rights by using nonviolent civil disobedience, based on his Christian beliefs. The Simple English Wikipedia's articles can be used to help with school homework or just for the fun of learning about new ideas. The aim of Wikimedia Commons is to provide a media file repository "that makes available public domain and freely-licensed educational media content to all, and that acts as a common repository for the various projects of the Wikimedia Foundation. Este dezvoltată prin colaborarea voluntară a unui mare număr de persoane și. 中文维基百科的成长依靠您的参与,無論是 创建新条目 、 编辑现有条目 ,或者 为条目增加插图 ,您都可以为维基百科作. English national identity, an identity and common culture. C'est un logiciel de gestion de contenu, dont la structure implicite. [1] Despite the fact that language speakers often have an intuitive grasp of what a word is, there is no consensus among linguists on its definition and numerous attempts to find specific criteria of the. Other meta-focused wikis such as Wikimedia Outreach are specialized projects that have their roots in Meta-Wiki. Its ten provinces and three territories extend from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean and northward into the Arctic Ocean, making it the world's second-largest country by total area, with the world's longest coastline. It has to be one of supported languages. 北京市第十九中学,简称北京十九中,是北京市海淀区教育委员会主管的学校,是海淀区第一所完全中学。该学校最早前身是创办于1916年的培元女子小学,1952年由北京市政府正式命名为北京市第十九中学,该学校位于北京市 海淀区 中关村科技园区內。 是北京市政府支持建設的北京市优质高中校. The Wikimedia Endowment, the long-term fund established in 2016 to support the future of Wikimedia sites, has announced its first recipients of grant funding. Mormons are a religious and cultural group related to Mormonism, the principal branch of the Latter Day Saint movement started by Joseph Smith in upstate New York during the 1820s. 2001年1月15日,该项目始于英語維基百科。 2001年3月16日,德語維基百科加入,其他语言也纷纷參與。 多方的共同努力,彰显了该项目的国际性。 截止2023年7月,总计321種語言的維基百科条目数超過了一百,169種語言条目数超過一萬,71種語言的条目数超過十萬。The Hypertext Transfer Protocol ( HTTP) is an application layer protocol in the Internet protocol suite model for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems. CC BY-SA 3. org» الفرعي نحو 1. Wikipedia ( / ˌwɪkɪˈpiːdiə / ( nghe) WIK-i-PEE-dee-ə hoặc / ˌwɪkiˈpiːdiə / ( nghe) WIK-ee-PEE-dee-ə) là một bách khoa toàn thư mở trực tuyến đa ngôn ngữ [4] được sáng lập và duy trì bởi một cộng đồng biên tập viên tình nguyện và chạy trên nền tảng wiki . 41. Wikipedians may consider themselves part of the Wikimedia movement, a global network of volunteer. English is a West Germanic language in the Indo-European language family, with its earliest forms spoken by the inhabitants of early medieval England. Wikipedia has been written and edited by. Keep It Together «Keep It Together» es una canción interpretada por la cantante estadounidense Madonna, incluida en su cuarto álbum de estudio, Like a Prayer (1989). It is used for testing purposes by Wikimedia developers. Learn more. Through various projects, chapters, and the support structure of the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation, Wikimedia strives to bring about a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge. Wikipedia – wielojęzyczna encyklopedia internetowa działająca zgodnie z zasadą otwartej treści. Data on this page are updated daily and sorted automatically. The following examples assume you are citing the Wikipedia article on Plagiarism, using the version that was submitted on July 22, 2004, at 10:55 UTC, and. Example: APA Wikipedia citation. A free, collaborative, and multilingual internet encyclopedia. Español 2 000+ recursos de aprendizaje. The Wikipedia community, collectively and individually known as Wikipedians, is an online community that volunteers to create and maintain Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia. ویکی‌پدیا دانشنامه‌ای اینترنتی با بیش از ۳۲۹ زبان با محتوای آزاد است که با همکاری افراد داوطلب نوشته می‌شود و هر کس که به اینترنت دسترسی داشته باشد می‌تواند مقاله‌های آن را ویرایش کند. Enter an existing email address, or create a new one to use specifically for Wikipedia. Initially available only in English, versions in other languages were quickly developed. org. org. Wikipedia wraps the MediaWiki API so you can focus on using Wikipedia data, not getting it. 如果你遇到了无法访问的问题,可以打开状态页,寻找可以连接的镜像站。. " Wikimedia Commons is a multilingual project. Wikimedia. Wikidata is a free and open knowledge base that can be read and edited by both humans and machines. If you don't have an account already, why not. The initiatives that will receive grant funding include Abstract Wikipedia, Kiwix, Machine Learning, and Wikidata. — Pindar (translated)··(meiosis) Angry debate or conversation; argument. In computer security, logging in (or logging on, signing in, or signing on) is the process by which an individual gains access to a computer system by identifying and authenticating themselves. 6+ months editing. 4 million in the metropolitan area. أعلنت أليكسا إنترنت في 26 نوفمبر 2014 ، أن ويكيبيديا العربية هي الإصدار العاشر من حيث عدد الزيارات التي تتلقاها كل إصدارات الويكيبيديا على مدار شهر، وبهذا يجذب نطاق «ar. Theanine /ˈθiːəniːn/, also known as L-γ-glutamylethylamide and N5-ethyl-L-glutamine, is an amino acid analogue of the proteinogenic amino acids L-glutamate and L-glutamine ( en. Wikimedia is the collective name for the Wikimedia movement, revolving around a group of inter-related projects, including Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikiquote and others, which aim to use the collaborative power of the Internet, and the wiki concept, to create and share free knowledge of all kinds. Di antara satelit alami lainnya, Bulan adalah satelit terpadat kedua setelah Io,. Pada 21 Juli 2023, Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia memiliki 655. Der Name Wikipedia setzt sich zusammen aus Wiki (entstanden aus wiki, dem hawaiischen Wort für ‚schnell‘) und encyclopedia, dem englischen Wort für ‚Enzyklopädie‘. Popponesset Island, Massachusetts. L' Albaru (o Alberu) ( Populus alba) hè un arburu chì faci partita di a famiglia di i Salicaceae. Its capital is Brasília, and its most populous city is São Paulo. wikipedia. Wikipedia has a tool to generate citations for particular articles. It is the original Wikipedia, and although the project has since expanded to over 300 languages, English Wikipedia remains the largest. Wikipedia. . It was proposed in ICANN 's New generic top-level domain (gTLD) Program, and became available to the general public on May 26, 2014. Het project is gebaseerd op vijf basisprincipes. Its border with the United States is the world's longest international land border. 阿马多拉之星 升降班附加賽獲勝,在重組後歷史上首次晉級,前球會在14年前破產解散。. Wiki. Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia featuring openly editable content created and sourced by users from around. Poland, officially the Republic of Poland, is a country in Central Europe. Please follow the recommended format. Articles on Wikipedia are freely licensed and the app code is 100% open source. 58556°N 70. Control the way this Wikipedia looks and. com Registry. Main (Martian crater)Tools. reg" file to add the key to your Windows Registry. De website is eigendom van de Amerikaanse Wikimedia Foundation. [1] The company was co-founded by Glen R. English languages (disambiguation) English studies, the study of English language and literature. Wikipedia (chū-iû ê pek-kho-choân-su) beh kā lí kóng. Warsaw is the nation's capital and largest metropolis. /  41. O nome Wikipedia foi criado pelo filósofo norte-americano Larry Sanger, [23] e é uma combinação do termo havaiano "wikiwiki" que significa "rápido" ou "rapidamente" com o sufixo da palavra "enciclopédia". If you know what you are looking for, type it into Wikipedia's search box. Recognised as the capital of Scotland since at least the 15th century, Edinburgh is the seat of the Scottish Government, the Scottish Parliament and the highest courts in Scotland. Martin Luther King, Jr. This page was last edited on 10 July 2023, at 01:18. wikipedia. Penyuntingan Artikel oleh pengguna baru atau anonim untuk saat ini tidak diizinkan. 維基百科 是一個 多語言 、 內容自由 、 任何人都能參與 的協作計劃,其目標是建立一個完整、準確且中立的百科全書。. Wikipediaa kirjoitetaan 291 kielellä. It was first performed on 21 October 1858, and a revival in 1874 broke previous records at the Gaîté's box-office. Lihat kebijakan pelindungan dan log pelindungan untuk informasi selengkapnya. Download Wikipedia for Windows now from Softonic: 100% safe and virus free. concept About Wikipedia. Zanzibar island itself is approximately 90km long and 40km wide. English, an Amish term for non-Amish. A database of 215,207 (beta) freely usable images to which anyone can contribute. ברוכים הבאים לוויקיפדיה! ויקיפדיה היא מיזם רב־לשוני לחיבור אנציקלופדיה שיתופית, חופשית ו מהימנה, שכולם יכולים לערוך. Nupedia was founded on March 9, 2000, under the ownership of Bomis, a web portal company. The country is. As a junior in 2021, he played in five games before tearing his ACL, which ended his season. The domain com is a top-level domain (TLD) in the Domain Name System (DNS) of the Internet.